Workers Compensation Lawyer Law Office of Juan Cordero

The rights of a worker while on a job. The right to compensation if you are injured, paid fairly & treated fairly We can help
The rights of a worker while on a job. The right to compensation if you are injured, paid fairly & treated fairly We can help
Our team dedicates countless hours to organizations and individuals informing them of what their rights are as a worker in Florida. Fair Compensation if Injured, Fair Pay for the hours you work Overtime and Fair treatment from Discrimination. We can help.
Our Staff is trained and some were part of the Transport Workers Union. They have fought with big corporations to insure fairness at the work place. Workers Compensation Fair Wages for Overtime and Fair Work Environment free of Discrimination. We are here to inform and fight for your rights.
The backbone of our country has always been the blue collar hard working individual. The Airline Fleet Service Clerk, The Bus Driver, The Factory Workers, The Police Officers, The Gardners, The Maids, The Teachers, The Construction Workers all deserve their rights to be upheld. Documented or not. All workers deserve a fair work environment. We intend to fight for their rights..
Juan Cordero PA Lawyers Workers Compensation Workers Rights
1666 79th Street Cswy, Miami Beach, Florida 33141, United States
Tel. 305.525.8957 Open 24 hours
Juan Cordero Lawyers Workers Compensation Lawyer Abogado de accidente de trabajo
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
1666 John F Kennedy Causeway, North Bay Village, Florida 33141, United States
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